Government Disability Resources
Community Alternatives Unlimited (CAU) is a private nonprofit that provides independent case management services to individuals with a wide range of disabilities, including developmental disabilities, mental health needs, hearing, visual, physical impairments, and child welfare challenges. CAU provides Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) services and is a "front door" for entry into the developmental disabilities system.
- IGAC: Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
- Supported Decision Making
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
PUNS Selection For Services: Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)
- Benefits for Children with Disabilities
- Supplemental Security Income
- The Work Site: for Ticket to Work (Ticket) program information
- Red Book: Direct link to the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Red Book, a Guide to Work Incentives, which has everything a student, parent, and teacher needs to know about employment supports for persons with disabilities.
- Social Security Publications: Link to all Social Security publications; this site also has ordering information for requesting materials by email or phone.
- Ticket to Work Facebook Page - Choose Work!
- U.S. Department of Labor Disability Resources: Federal site for more than 50 federal organizations that communicate, promote, and serve the disability community.
State of Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities: The Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities provides services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.